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3D ‘unwrapping’ tools let scientists read an ancient Hebrew scroll

This article by Maria Gallucci originally appeared on on 21 September 2016. New software tools have enabled scientists to read an ancient, damaged Hebrew scroll without ever unfurling the fragile, disintegrating parchment. The digitization techniques,...

Alexander the Great in an Ancient Synagogue?

This article which was written by Robin Ngo appeared in the online edition of Bible History Daily on 14 September 2016. A 1,500-year-old mosaic that might depict a meeting between Alexander the Great and the Jewish high priest has been unveiled in full byNational...

Noah’s Ark Has Been Found. Why Are They Keeping Us In The Dark?

This article by Dan Eden was published on the 7 website on 26 December 2015. This article is speculative and may not be the opinion of the staff at I'm often amazed at our lack of knowledge about history. Ordinary people are hungry for this...

Recommended Bible Translations in Non-English Languages

Republished From: This article has been shared here by permission of the author. The original article can be found at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints publishes editions of the Bible in English and Spanish. In many other non-English...

Bible Survey Reveals Uncertainty—Is the Good Book Really God’s Book?

The Holy Bible is called the Good Book—but is it God’s book? According to a recent Gallup poll, only 28% of Americans believe that the Bible is the word of God and should be taken literally. However, the same poll found that nearly 50% of Americans believe the Bible...

Mormons are Bible-believing Christians

We have created this website to help dispel the misconceptions about Mormons (members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) and their use of and regard for the Holy Bible.

Firstly, some people erroneously think that Mormons don’t use the Bible at all.  This is false. Mormons revere and study the Bible as the word of God revealed through His ancient prophets.  In English-speaking countries, the King James Version is most often used.  The Church has published a King James Version for the use of its members.  Nothing has been changed from the original.

Footnotes and cross-references have been added, so that members can see the relationship of other church scriptures with what they are reading in the Bible.  There is also a Bible Dictionary, a Topical Guide, Maps, sometimes photographs (depending on the size and style of the Bible you purchase), a Gazetteer, and at the back, some of the scriptural verses that were re-translated by Joseph Smith (the first prophet of the Church).  Below left is a page from a King James Version bible published by the Church.  You can compare it with your own King James, and you can see how the verses are cross-referenced.

ST-MATTHEW-22-11-34Mormons spend three hours worshiping on Sundays, and one of those three hours (Sunday School) is devoted to studying the scriptures.  There is a repeating four-year course of study — one year of Old Testament, one year of New Testament, one year of Book of Mormon study, and one year of Doctrine and Covenants/ Church History.  The Pearl of Great Price, another book of Mormon scripture, is brief and mostly covers the creation, so it’s read along with the Old Testament.  Thus, two out of four years of scripture study are spent on the Bible.

Another misconception is that Mormons have replaced the Bible with the Book of Mormon, which some friends of other faiths have nicknamed “the Mormon Bible.”  This is also untrue.  The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ is a separate book and validates and upholds the Bible.  On this website, we’ll show you how that works by including lessons from the Bible and then telling you what the Book of Mormon has to say about them.

Some people think that Mormons ignore or refute whole sections of the Bible, because we only believe in the Bible “as far as it is translated correctly.”  This is also untrue.  Mormon prophets and religious scholars have put forth much effort to understand the original intent and message of every Bible passage, even though sections are missing or have been added to through the centuries.  Latter-day Saint scholars have gone back to the original texts.  In the viewable page above, you’ll see an explanation of the meaning in Greek for one verse.

Bible in MormonismIn truth, Mormons possibly accept more of the Bible than any other Bible-oriented faith.  Some Christians ignore the Old Testament; others see James, and other books which emphasize works, as having temporal rather than spiritual import.  In some cases there is only mere mention in the Bible of doctrines well-known in the ancient church.  For instance, Paul talks about baptism for the dead in only one verse of the New Testament.  It takes revelation through prophets and research of ancient church practices to fill out his message.  Other Christian churches ignore Paul’s comment, because their doctrines don’t deal with the concept.

Paul also mentions Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial bodies.  A vision of the kingdoms of heaven found in the Doctrine and Covenants fully explains Paul’s reference in detail, so that there can be no misunderstanding that Paul was speaking of heaven and its levels.  There are many mentions in the New Testament of a continuing priesthood and groups of New Testament followers who held that priesthood (Aaronic and Melchizedek).  However, that knowledge has been lost to most Christian sects.  Instead of acknowledging that Mormons understand these biblical precepts as Christ’s apostles understood them, other Christian sects accuse Mormons of “believing in another Christ,” or in preaching false doctrine.  The Book of Mormon clarifies these and other precepts found in the Bible.  Instead of acknowledging this, other Christian sects say that the Book of Mormon refutes, denies, or opposes the Bible.  The opposite is true.  The Book of Mormon upholds true, ancient doctrines, preached by Christ and His apostles; it therefore opposes false doctrines and assumptions about the Bible that are rife in other Christian denominations.

Some people think that Mormons have sinned by adding to the Bible, because of the instruction given in the Book of Revelation that the scriptures cannot be added to.  This is an incorrect idea.  For an explanation, click here.

Here’s what you’ll find on this site.

  • Bible lessons with insights from other Mormon scriptures and modern prophets
  • Articles about various Bible subjects
  • General articles about Mormon beliefs
  • How the Book of Mormon and Bible together answer life’s most perplexing questions

*BYU Hosts Conference on the 400 year anniversary of the King James Bible.

*Oxford University and Latter-day Saints Join for KJV Symposium

*Jewish Scholars Correct Mistakes in the Old Testament.

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Free Scriptures

The Mormon Church distributes free copies of the King James Version of the Bible and the Book of Mormon. For your free copy of the Bible, go to Free Holy Bible and for a free Book of Mormon, go to Free Book of Mormon
The LDS Edition of the Bible

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints published an edition of the Bible in 1979. It is the King James Version with no alterations. However, there are over 28,000 cross-references to Mormon scriptures. Also in the footnotes are meanings of difficult or mistranslated Greek or Hebrew words. Passages retranslated by Joseph Smith are in the footnotes and an appendix. In addition, there is a Topical Guide and Bible Dictionary, maps and Gazeteer.

Spanish Edition of the Bible

This edition of the Bible took years of work, and is based upon the 1909 edition of the Reina-Valera translation. The text underwent a very conservative revision, focusing on modernizing some of the outdated grammar and vocabulary that had shifted in meaning and acceptability. The volume contains new chapter headings, footnotes and cross-references to all scriptures used by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Four and a half million members of the Church speak Spanish.

Mormons Study the Bible

Mormons follow a four year course of scripture study in Sunday School: one year of Old Testament; one year of New Testament; one year of Book of Mormon; and one year of Doctrine and Covenants/ Church History. After the four year course is completed, it begins again. Thus, two of every four years are spent on Bible study. Bible study is also part of the curricula of LDS Institutes of Religion and Seminary for youth.

The Book of Mormon Upholds the Bible

The Book of Mormon upholds the stories and teachings of the Holy Bible. There are references to stories that some Bible scholars view with skepticism, such as the Tower of Babel and story of Jonah. The Book of Mormon is a second witness for Jesus Christ. After His resurrection, Christ visited the Book of Mormon peoples, whom He described to His original apostles as “other sheep which are not of this fold” (John 10:16). From among them, He chose 12 apostles and organized His Church.

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