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7 Easy-to-Understand Book of Mormon Verses You Can Apply Today

Over at the BBC this week, William Kremer looked at the increased interest in the Talmud, a Jewish book of Laws, that Kremer describes as “one of the most challenging religious texts.” This got me thinking about how grateful I am that The Book of Mormon is so accessible to contemporary readers. Here are 7 scriptures that are easy to understand and apply to your life.

1. Alma 7:11-12 

“And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people. And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.”

The prophet Alma teaches that Jesus Christ felt all of our pains and infirmities so that He could understand and heal us. No matter what struggle you may be going through today you can always turn to Jesus Christ and He will know how to comfort you.

2. Mosiah 2:17

“And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellowbeings ye are only in the service of your God.”

One way we can turn our hearts to God every day is by looking around us. We are all God’s children, and by serving each other we are showing our love to God.

3. 2 Nephi 1:15

“But behold, the Lord hath redeemed my soul from hell; I have beheld his glory, and I am encircled about eternally in the arms of his love.”

Never, ever forget that we can’t come close to understanding how much God and Jesus Christ love us. This should put a spring in your step every day.


4. Ether 12:27

“And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.”

Life is often difficult. We each have individual challenges and weaknesses. We can take strength in knowing that God understands our weaknesses and will strengthen us when we turn to Him.

5. 2 Nephi 9:51

“Wherefore, do not spend money for that which is of no worth, nor your labor for that which cannot satisfy.”

A great teacher named Jacob explained that we should not waste our time and energy. So often when we struggle, we turn to buying something hoping it will make us feel better. Jacob makes it clear that there are better ways to find peace and happiness.

6. 2 Nephi 32:9

“But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul.”

No matter the time of day or night we can always turn to God in prayer. If we always pray to God, He will bless everything that we do no matter how trivial it may seem to us.

7. Moroni 10:4

“And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.”


With so many valuable words in The Book of Mormon, we can turn to God and ask Him if it is His word.  Take a peek at the Book of Mormon online.

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